A Wilderness Science and Art Collaboration

Aldo & Leonardo, a partnership between Colorado Art Ranch and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, is a project to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. The project is inspired by the scientific wisdom of Aldo Leopold and the artistic genius of Leonardo da Vinci. Our endeavor is an interdisciplinary collaboration of artists and scientists designed to celebrate the lands, resources and opportunities protected by the Wilderness Act. In 2013, we are hosting one-month residencies in six diverse wilderness areas. Artists will work alongside wildland research scientists and gain firsthand knowledge of the wonders, complexities and challenges of our nation's wildest places. The result will be a body of work that creatively illustrates the value of wild areas and honors the scientific efforts to preserve wilderness for the next fifty years.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Train by erogerscello

August 30. 2013        8:15pm


Iowa. Corn fields. Corn fields. Corn fields. The sun is setting slowly in a golden bath of light and I am riding along on the 5 Zephyr train enjoying the lounge car with big windows and ceiling skylights filling the car with natural light. It’s a beautiful night and I am on an adventure. I begin my second night on the train…


I left last night around 12:15am after an hour delay hanging out in the Rochester station trying not to fall asleep. Finally got a good window seat at Buffalo and after re-arranging and re-arranging I settled in and fell asleep until Bryan, Ohio. Until now I haven’t wanted to do much more than sleep in the blurred fog of the train’s rolling movement, letting go of the emotional stress of preparing, saying goodbye, and now accepting that I am on my way!


At Union Station in Chicago I had a 2 hour layover and enjoyed the plastic turf “park” with hammock, tether ball, bean toss, jump ropes in the Great Hall. Was challenged by an Arizonan to a tether ball match and lost 5-4. Actually worked up quite a sweat trying not to lose.


The sun goes down.

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